Walter Bond's Official Statement:
It is not a metaphorical holocaust that they suffer..
August 18, 2010
My name is Walter Bond and I am currently incarcerated in Golden, Colorado for alleged A.L.F. activity. The mainstream media has done its best to vilify and discredit me. Not at all surprising since we animal liberationist activists represent a threat to the status quo and the blood trades they currently support. Therefore any animal liberation activist who is effectively standing up against these mechanized evils is going to face government intimidation and persecution.
I am undeterred and unbowed in my desire to live in a world free from animal abuse and exploitation. And so I would like to say a few brief words to my supporters and to my enemies.
I am vegan and straightedge. I have been for 15 years and will remain so until the day I die. Although I hope to not spend several years of my life in prison, nothing that the United States government does to me will ever equal or even compare to the everyday holocaust that animals suffer in the name of food, clothing, product testing and entertainment. And I assure you, it is not a metaphorical holocaust that they suffer. I have seen it with my own eyes. When I was 18 (I am 34 now), I worked for a crew that built slaughterhouses in the Midwest. The horrors I witnessed there I will never forget. That is why and how I became an Animal Rights activist.
To my supporters:
Do what you can to raise awareness about the plight of farmed animals, the environmental and ethical impacts of animal exploitation, and the positive impact of veganism. To have a greater knowledge of these issues than the general public and not speak out is complicity. Please do not be complicit in the holocaust against animals and the Earth.
To my detractors:
Take a look at what you are defending. If it's not wrong to use and exploit animals, then go visit a slaughter house and see for yourselves what happens behind those walls. If you can't eat your meal and view how it's produced at the same time, then eating animals is very clearly wrong.
Just because we as individuals and societies have the ability to exploit animals does not give us the right to do so.
Once upon a time it was acceptable for men to exploit women and those who stood against it were considered criminals. Now women can vote, read, and work.
Once upon a time it was legal to own human slaves and those who stood against it were beaten, imprisoned, and murdered. Now that level of racism is unthinkable.
Today animals are the oppressed and the excuses to use them are the same excuses the slave-owners used. Those excuses are equally invalid when applied to animal enslavement and exploitation.