The following article was written by me for my old Vegan Hardline blog years before I began breaking the law to bring the fight for Animal Liberation to the doorsteps of animal exploitation businesses. Looking back now, I can see that I’ve grown as a writer. As this series of my writings will no doubt show, the premises of these brief essays later became the genesis of my current writings and I still stand behind every word of them. After the release of these Vegan Hardline essays will follow my new writings about the Creed and Philosophy of Vegan Hardline, a discipline and way of thought and deed that was inspired largely by the Hardline Philosophy laid down by the band “Vegan Reich” and, in particular, their frontman, Sean Muhaqi. The basic philosophy remains intact with only two minor deviations:
Hardline was very hung up on a perceived idea of sexual morality. In Vegan Hardline, we are unconcerned with people’s sex lives, their choice of partners, or frequency of sexual activity.
And secondly, Hardline was inevitably derailed and sidtracked by religion. In Vegan Hardline, we will have none of that as we see religion at best as irrelevant and, most often, as absurd, ridiculous and hazardous.
So far my writings have been geared towards abolitionist Animal Liberationism. These writings are for those who believe in discipline and the defense of all innocent life, Whatever It May Take! (October 14, 2011)
In our consumer-driven society,as long as there is a product to be sold and a demand for that product, then both parties involved feel they have a “right” to engage in the economics at hand. There is not much of anything that cannot be bought and sold. Commodities that are off limits or illegal are considered as such only in matters of degree and not kind. For instance, certain street drugs are illegal to sell such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc. However, you may go with a doctor’s prescription to any pharmacy and buy an entire host of uppers, downers, psychotropics, seditives, anti-depressants ad infinitum.
The doctors that prescribe these “medications” are nothing more than state-sanctioned drug dealers. They receive a percentage of the sales from their suppliers just as street corner drug dealers. Often they are more aggressive in their tactics, seldom taking no for an answer. I have yet to walk through a bad neighborhood and have a drug dealer argue with me for an hour about how it is essential for my health and well-being that I buy and use their drugs (however, I have had such an argument with a so-called man of medicine).
I find it very noteworthy that some of the most hazardous narcotics in human history got their start in the hands of the medical establishment. And so it goes throughout the consumer world, everyone with a five dollar bill is taught by advertisers that they deserve things. Vendors will sell anything as long as there is a market for it.
The truth is hedonism and greed are not the basis of rights. In Vegan Hardline our golden rule is “Your rights end where another’s begin.” In this way we begin to see the perimeters of our own desires and make sure that they do not overstep a healthy standard of living and become the bane of another’s existence.
Whether that other is an animal, human (of any ethnicity, sexual identity, age, or gender), or an eco-system (which is very much sentient life). Anytime we stray from that golden rule, all sorts of insane and evil behavior has and will ensue. It has always been interesting to me when promoting veganism how many times I have heard “I don’t really care what the animals go through… I like the taste.” Although on one level I appreciate the honesty and prefer it to long-winded intellectual retoric, my usual retort is “so what… to a cave man, rape felt good or to a purse snatcher punching an old lady and taking her money may not only feel good but also be profitable.”
Here we come to the crux of the issue — IF you don’t value the rights of another, do not expect yours to be valued either. This is only logical. At this point, you may wonder — Who then is fit to pass such judgment? The answer is quite simple… any drug-free vegan. Who better than us — those who make compassionate consumer decisions on a daily basis without fail. Those rivers of blood created by cadaver munchers are not because of me and haven’t been for many a moon. Nor do I diminish the lives of those around me with a cesspool of poisonous intoxicants.
In so many situations, our compassion and caring is used against us by the blatantly evil, be they non-vegans, druggie scum, drunken losers, or pro-abortion lunatics, all of which love to remind us over and over again that if we show any anger or frustration about the sad state of affairs that the world is in then we are stooping to the same lowly level as the antagonists. What a bunch of bullshit.
If you were to stumble upon a rape in progress and stove in the rapist’s head, you would be using force to stop a greater violence. It is no different when a vivisector or abortion doctor gets their retribution. As I have said before evil unpunished and unavenged will be continued without end. The absolute worst thing you can do with evil plans, evil methods, and evil people is ignore them and allow them to continue just as with any cancer. Given breathing room and a blind eye, the host will become overrun and die.
In this case, the host is our beloved Mother Earth her animal nations, and all innocent life. In defense of the innocent, be it earth critters, or a human fetus, nothing that has been done has gone too far nor could it. The wicked would have to be bred as fast as technologically possible only to torture them to death for the next 30,000 years to even equal the hell they have wrought. After that, we might be exceeding justice and entering into malice but I do not believe so.
I have no desire to pay them back an eye for an eye because I am not a bloodthirsty maniac. I hope and speak out for the end of the use, abuse, and murder of innocent life. All innocent life.
By any means necessary.
Whatever it may take.
Walter Bond
USP Marion CMU
PO Box 1000
Marion IL 62959