Today has been a good day, the weather is very nice, the birds are chirping and we have a black cat outside that’s doing his best to snatch one up for his dinner. He is definitely all tom. He is curious about people but I always scare him away. For his sake. I think it best that he not become friendly with humans because sooner or latter one of them will wish him ill. I’ve been given a job landscaping our rectangle of grass, earth and shrubs. I’m happy about it because no one is allowed to step foot there, but since it is my job I will be able to go there often and feel the ground under my feet.

Supporters have been sending my email addresses so now not only is my snail mail growing but also my email, I like that. I have been learning the correct way to do my prayers and it has been a humbling experience being as I am brand new to the Arabic language. It has also been a wonderful experience meeting God 5 times a day in prostration and prayer keeps me aware of my connection and in a state of consciousness throughout the day. I already have 2 of the brothers very interested in Veganism.
Its good to hear that many people are thinking about me, always good to know I’m not forgotten. As for me not much new, study study, study. I wake up every morning make Wudu(ritual cleansing before prayer). then I do my first Salah (Prayer) before sunrise, followed by 4 more throughout the day. From 11am to noon I study Qur’an with another brother, after that I study Arabic reading and writing for an hour . Then later in the day recitatation,to better perfect my prayers. And of course I still exercise along with a lot of reading various books about Islam. there are 9 men on this unit who have the entire Qur’an memorized!
Asalamu Lakum,
Abdul Haqq Walter Bond