February 11, 2015 is the 4th anniversary of Walter Bond’s sentencing for the Animal Liberation Front Lone Wolf arson attack on the Sheepskin Factory. An FBI sting operation carried out with the assistance of Walter’s brother, Trapper Zuehlke, resulted in his arrest in a suburb of Denver on July 22, 2010. Walter was held in the Jefferson County Detention Center, in Golden Colorado while awaiting court and for about 2 months after sentencing, before he was transferred for “processing” to Oklahoma City Federal Transfer Center, then on to a private facility utilized by the Bureau of Prisons, called Nevada Southern Detention Center for a few weeks, and finally placed into Davis County Jail in a suburb of Salt Lake City, Nevada, to await court for additional federal charges.

Before being sentenced by Judge Christine Arguello, Walter Bond made this statement in court.
Statement to the court in Denver, Colorado, February 11, 2011
I’m here today because I burnt down the Sheepskin Factory in Glendale, CO, a business that sells pelts, furs and other dead Animal skins. I know many people think I should feel remorse for what I’ve done. I guess this is the customary time where I’m suppose to grovel and beg for mercy. I assure you if that’s how I felt I would. But, I am not sorry for anything I have done. Nor am I frightened by this court’s authority. Because any system of law that values the rights of the oppressor over the down trodden is an unjust system. And though this court has real and actual power, I question its morality. I doubt the court is interested in the precautions that I took to not harm any person or by-stander and even less concerned with the miserable lives that sheep, cows and mink had to endure, unto death, so that a Colorado business could profit from their confinement, enslavement, and murder.
Obviously, the owners and employees of the sheepskin factory do not care either or they would not be involved in such a sinister and macabre blood trade. So I will not waste my breath where it will only fall on deaf ears. That’s why I turned to illegal direct action to begin with, because you do not care. No matter how much we Animal Rights activists talk or reason with you, you do not care. Well, Mr. Livaditis (owner of the Sheepskin Factory), I don’t care about you. There is no common ground between people like you and me. I want you to know that no matter what this court sentences me to today, you have won nothing! Prison is no great hardship to me. In a society that values money over life, I consider it an honor to be a prisoner of war, the war against inter-species slavery and objectification! I also want you to know that I will never willingly pay you one dollar, not one! I hope your business fails and you choke to death on every penny you profit from Animal murder! I hope you choke on it and burn in hell!
To my supporters, I wish to say thank you for standing behind me and showing this court and these Animal exploiters that we support our own and that we as a movement are not going to apologize for having a sense of urgency. We are not going to put the interests of commerce over sentience! And we will never stop educating, agitating and confronting those responsible for the death of our Mother Earth and her Animal Nations. My Vegan sisters and brothers our lives are not our own. Selfishness is the way of gluttons, perverts and purveyors of injustice. It has been said all it takes for evil to conquer is for good people to do nothing. Conversely, all it takes to stop the enslavement, use, abuse and murder of other than human Animals is the resolve to fight on their behalf!
Do what you can, do what you must, be Vegan warriors and true Animal defenders and never compromise with their murderers and profiteers. The Animal Liberation Front is the answer. Seldom has there been such a personally powerful and internationally effective movement in human history. You cannot join the A.L.F. but you can become the A.L.F. And it was the proudest and most powerful thing I have ever done. When you leave this courtroom today don’t be dismayed by my incarceration. All the ferocity and love in my heart still lives on. Every time someone liberates an Animal and smashes their cage, it lives on! Every time an activist refuses to bow down to laws that protect murder, it lives on! And it lives on every time the night sky lights up ablaze with the ruins of another Animal exploiters’ business!
That’s all Your Honor, I am ready to go to prison.
Walter Bond is in prison until the year 2021 and cannot use Facebook or the internet. This page was set up to support him.
To send funds to Walter Bond in prison, please visit his support website for numerous ways you can do this (check, cash, money order, paypal, and western union): https://supportwalter.org/SW/index.php/donate/
Walter Bond continuously adds books and magazines to his amazon.com wish list. If you buy a book from the wish list, it automatically disappears from the list. If you buy something on the list from another vendor, please let us know and we will take it off his wish list, so he does not get duplicate gifts. View this list: http://amzn.com/w/W7P09VVVUSYT or just search for Walter Bond on the wish list section of amazon.com.
Here is his mailing address:
Walter Bond
USP Marion CMU
PO Box 1000
Marion IL 62959