Let’s Help The Animals!

Rooster rescue farm in Bennett, CO


11/10/2013 9:23:35 AM

Let’s Help The Animals!

As we entered the ‘Animal shelter’ I could hear the thunderous roar of cats and dogs echoing off the walls.  It disgusted me to know that behind the staff’s friendly facade an entire prison existed behind that desk that many of its Animal inmates would never leave alive.  But we were not there to save a dog or cat’s life that day, we were there to save a rooster.  A rooster that had spent over a month in a tiny cage in the pound, frightened by the artificial environment and constant panic noise of the other stressed out Animals.

He went right from that despicable environment to my lap in the passenger seat of Jewel’s car. As she drove I gently petted this amazing rooster that later came to be named ‘Lerr’.  I did not know until that day that chickens can do something akin to purring and that you can feel it resonate within their bodies through your hand similar to a cat.

This is the true face of Animal Liberation, one Animal’s life saved, then ten, then one hundred and then one thousand!  Everything else, all the gatherings, conventions, speakers and health food faddists are (or should be) secondary to actually saving Animals’ lives and educating others about the ethics of the Vegan way of life.

This is the hard work that my friend Jewel has been doing for several years.  This is the work she still does at Rooster Sanctuary at Danzig’s Roost!  And this is where years later Lerr still lives.  I used to work for more than one Animal Sanctuary before my incarceration because it was one of the best ways I could find to actually help Animals in the real world and without pretext.

While there are many sanctuaries that care for critters few of them have the Vegan Abolitionist integrity of Danzig’s roost.  No one there draws a salary from their work or any popularity from the cookie cutter Vegan community, locally or abroad.  At the roost all the funds go where they should, to the many beautiful Birds ( and other wonderful critters) that reside there.

Furthermore, Danzig’s Roost speaks out against so called ‘free-range’ and ‘happy meat’ as they educate people about the effectiveness and ethical imperatives of Veganism.  Rooster Sanctuary at Danzig’s Roost has almost 50 roosters and nearly 100 hens and growing!  But what they don’t have is your support, and they need it.

I learned everything I know about chickens’ social structures and habits, as well as the industries that murder them for meat and eggs from my time and work with Jewel from rooster Sanctuary at Danzig’s Roost.  Check them out on the web at www.danzigtherooster.com. Educate yourself and then donate as generously as you can so that they can continue the grassroots work of true Animal Liberation and Vegan Abolitionist education, I beg you, do it for the Animals!


Walter Bond USP Marion CMU Feb 2012 #2 cropped

Walter Bond


Walter Bond is in prison until the year 2021 and cannot use Facebook or the internet.  The website supportwalter.org and the Walter Bond Facebook page were set up to support him.  Here is his mailing address (he can only reply to letters that include a full name and address):

Walter Bond


USP Marion CMU

PO Box 1000

Marion IL 62959

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