Current Information about Walter Bond who has been placed in the SHU (solitary confinement) — hunger strike ended

Current information about Walter Bond (as of Nov 22)

This website has been set up and is maintained by supporters for Walter. Walter has no access to this page or to the internet. If any of this information changes, this post will be updated.

Walter Bond’s website has been down for a week, but is now back up (as you can see).

Walter was placed in the SHU (solitary confinement) on Nov 15 or 16. While held in the SHU he is only allowed 15 minutes of phone time per month. He was on a hunger strike which ended on Day 6. He met with the Assistant Warden on Monday, November 20 to discuss the problems he was having at the prison that caused him to go on hunger strike. Walter now will be given Vegan trays at all meals and was assured of a more timely postal mail delivery.

Walter was told that he will probably be transferred back to a CMU (Communications Management Unit) within the next 3 – 5 months. Until that time he will be held in the SHU.

The North American Animal Liberation Press Office has retained legal counsel for Walter. If you would like to help the Press Office in funding this effort, you can donate here.  In addition, another attorney with a lot of experience assisting Vegan Prisoners in similar situations is trying to gain permission to communicate with Walter.

Walter cannot now use Corrlinks to send or receive email.

Sending letters or cards to Walter Bond:

Walter Bond
FCI Greenville
PO Box 5000
Greenville IL 62246


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