Abdul Haqq turning 40 on April 16


Here is a letter Walter sent to the ALF Support Group’s newsletter a few years ago that was never published.  (It was from when he was still at the CMU at USP Marion.  Now he is being held at FCI Greenville.)


11/20/2012 10:33:41 AM

An Open Letter To ALFSG

Here I sit in the Communications Management Unit in Marion, Illinois. Dead center in the middle of America. As far as my incarceration goes I could definitely be in worse shape. Day to day life in the CMU is uneventful, dreadfully so. It feels like a retirement home for radicals. 50 years old is the average age, so being in my 30’s I feel like a pup in comparison with many of the men I am housed with. My Vegan diet consists mainly of beans and rice, canned spinach and collard greens, trail mix, apples, oranges and starches. I work out about 4 times a week and I am currently doing a military routine. Push ups, pull ups, squats, crunches and burpees. we recently got mp3 players so I have been enjoying some music, mostly Straight Edge, hardcore and metal. As a federal prisoner I must do a minimum of 87% of my sentence. Which currently makes me eligible to be released to a correctional halfway house in the year 2020. Still awhile to go but in relation to other prisoners I am one of the lucky ones.

The average sentence in the FBOP (Federal Bureau of Prisons) is 15 years. Meaning that half of the prison population in the BOP are doing over 15 year sentences. So many of the men that I meet are never going home, so I make a point to not complain or even bring up my short time. The most difficult thing about being here is that it feels much like a sensory deprivation chamber. I get two 15 minute phone calls a week and no visits. Every person I have tried to have put on my visiting list has been denied because of any technicality that is imaginable. Not knowing me before my incarceration apparently is grounds for denying me all visitation for the entirety of my prison sentence!

So with very little interaction from the outside a person has no choice but to become self absorbed. I struggle constantly to remember that the world I currently reside in is not the real one, that I am just a passerby and that there is a real world that I still belong to and will return to one day. At the same time I have to remember not to consume my thoughts with the comings and goings of life outside of the walls. It’s agitating to always be physically one place yet mentally somewhere else.

I write these days as much for my own mental well being as for the cause of Animal Liberation. I regret that I cannot be with them now, I really do miss the Animals more than anything else I left behind. But during these years of incarceration so many supporters have brightened my days with letters, phone calls and support. I honestly do not know how I would stay on track without them all. Through this ordeal I remain defiant and outspoken. I am not very good at all the politics and people pleasing that this movement seems to expect from their heroes and spokespersons. But I have a fight in me that won’t quit and I do not walk in fear of prisons, police or people. The Animals will see a day of freedom from human tyranny even if I never do. And I will gladly go to my grave swinging fists and spitting at the sky to hasten that day forward.

I feel like I am part of a new breed of activist, for even though I come from the old school I see myself in league with a true a culture of insurrection. The ones that are relentless and bold. The ones that are sick of paranoia culture and putting ourselves in the systems line of fire. We are done leading with the chin and being human targets for the authorities. if we’re going to risk it all it’s not gonna be to get a little bit of media, its going to be on our terms, it’s gonna be for keeps. We are done holding signs and chanting warnings. Reenacting protestation from the 1960’s is played out. let the stoners play games with their stupid drugs. We reject their hippie bullshit along with the apathetic pacifist posturing.

The Animal Nations and the power of Earth are the only motivation one should need. And there is no excuses to be made. Looking back at the activism I have been a part of and it’s escalation I have to say that other than my arrest I was on the right track. Regrettably, I now have no more anonymity and my days in the clandestine battle for Liberation are finished. But for every door that closes another one opens. For these next years of imprisonment I will remain a solid voice for my Animal sisters and brothers, for the Earth and against all human oppression , because it is all interconnected.

I have been through a hell of a lot personally since my arrest in 2010. At times I have despaired, at times I have questioned my resolve on a great many beliefs and views. But through these trials and tribulations my inner strength has grown and my resolve to continue forward in Earths defense is, as always, unwavering.

Animal Liberation, Whatever It May Take!


Walter Bond USP Marion CMU Feb 2012 #2 cropped

Walter Bond

Walter Bond
FCI Greenville
PO Box 5000
Greenville IL 62246

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Fifth anniversary of Walter Bond’s sentencing in Denver Colorado on Feb 11, 2011

Sheepskin Factory

Before he was sentenced by the judge that day, Walter Bond said this …

Statement to the court in Denver, Colorado, February 11, 2011

I’m here today because I burnt down the Sheepskin Factory in Glendale, CO, a business that sells pelts, furs and other dead Animal skins.

I know many people think I should feel remorse for what I’ve done. I guess this is the customary time where I’m suppose to grovel and beg for mercy. I assure you if that’s how I felt I would.

But, I am not sorry for anything I have done. Nor am I frightened by this court’s authority. Because any system of law that values the rights of the oppressor over the down trodden is an unjust system.

And though this court has real and actual power, I question its morality.

I doubt the court is interested in the precautions that I took to not harm any person or by-stander and even less concerned with the miserable lives that sheep, cows and mink had to endure, unto death, so that a Colorado business could profit from their confinement, enslavement, and murder. Continue reading

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Becoming Muslim in the CMU

Al Fatihah-4

1/27/2016 3:21:31 PM
Becoming Muslim in the CMU

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the one who Sustains the Heavens and the Earths, Director of all that is created, who sent messengers (peace and blessings of Allah be upon all of them) to rational beings, to guide them and explain the religious laws to them with clear proofs and undeniable arguments’. I praise Him for all his bounties. I ask Him to increase His grace and generosity. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, alone, who has no partner, no equal, and there is non like, or comparable to Him. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant, messenger and final prophet.

To proceed:

My interest in world religions, mythology, the occult and various facets of spirituality began the moment I could read of such things. Although for much of my life I remained agnostic and borderline atheist. In the back of my mind I always had the notion that one day I would devout myself to a higher power in one form or another. I studied, as a hobby the scriptures of world religions. The Bahagavad Gita, Mahabrata, the Upanishads, the Vedas, The Holy Bible (various translations), the Guru Granth, Santeria, Witchcraft, Vodun, Divination, Asatru, Shamanism, etc. Always in the back of my mind waiting and hoping to find the one that spoke to me. As years past I became weary and skeptical of all beliefs and began studying the contemporary works of atheist thought. Continue reading

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The Great Disconnect

dont be sorry

11/29/2015 8:35:36 AM

The Great Disconnect

One of the major problems with the modern day manifestations of the Animal Rights Movement And the Straight Edge lifestyle seems to be a disconnect between rhetoric, speech and creed versus behavior, practice and reality. this disease of hypocrisy effects modern civilization at large and is part and parcel of the schizophrenia, neurosis and perversion that pervades and infects most of our lives.

A large cross section of activists in general and Animal Rights/welfare activists in particular pretend at concern and respect for Animals lives while simultaneously dining on their dead bodies, drinking cow secretions and eating the scrambled, poached and calcified menstruation cycles of chickens.

Many of those that critique technology and civilization do so from their computer screens and outside of postulating on paper they often have more real world experience as a technophile than a survivalist, Luddite or even the basic country or mountain dweller. Many a Vegan I have known medicates themselves with drugs both legal or illegal that are currently or have been tested on Animals. Under the guise of medicine, stress relief or outright addiction, exactly like the rest of the masses that sit on their asses! Continue reading

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Abdul Haqq transferred to FCI Greenville on Monday, Sept 21

Raised fists
A few weeks ago, Abdul Haqq requested transfer out of USP Marion, the prison where he has been held since Jan 2012. On Monday he was taken to FCI Greenville, which is just a few hours drive from Marion. He sounds real good and extremely glad to be away from Marion. He said the facility is much better in terms of programs, exercise equipment, food (the vegetarian food is mostly vegan, plus the cooks are good) and people (some of the other guys gave Abdul Haqq supplies to tide him over until the commissary reopens). This is so great! The prison commissary is closed for the next 2 weeks, due to a quarterly inventory count and restocking. When the commissary reopens, Abdul Haqq will need to make some purchases, because he was only allowed to take limited personal belongings. If you can send a few dollars to help with purchases such as clothing, stationery, snacks, hygiene items, it will be much appreciated. Oh, and even more important (than money) right now is Abdul Haqq would like to hear from YOU and YOU and YOU… MR. BOND WANTS MAIL! Remember to use his new address, and include your return address in the body of the letter to make it easy for him to write you back.

Walter Bond
FCI Greenville
PO Box 5000
Greenville IL 62246

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A few questions posed to Abdul Haqq via Corrlinks email, June 2015

photo credit: deseretnews.com
photo credit: deseretnews.com

Why have you been studying both Arabic and Spanish?

I have been studying Fus’hah or Classical Arabic as it is known in English for the purpose of reading and reciting the Qur’an in the original language in which it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.)  I have been studying Arabic for about 3 years now.  As a practicing Muslim I know that there is a natural and mystic power to the Qur’an that can only be felt in its original language.

As far as Spanish goes this is important to me for ethnic reasons.  Yo Soy Boricua (I am Puerto Rican) and like many of my people I lost my language as a child.  It’s important to me to master Spanish because it is a culture that I don’t want to lose and one that I would like to pass on to my children someday.  Since my incarceration I have had the opportunity to meet and befriend more Puerto Ricans than I ever met growing up in Colorado and Iowa.  It’s sad that outside of my own family the largest concentration of my own people I have found is behind bars.  But this is no surprise since our island has been a hot spot of imperialization and colonization since the first white people set foot in the Caribbean. forced assimilation and imprisonment is the favorite way of the white power system to downgrade people of color and Puerto Rico and her people are no exception to that. Continue reading

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On the eve of his 39th birthday, enjoying the presence of the A.L.F. Lone Wolf by rereading an essay from 2012


10/19/2012 8:48:39 AM
Mi Nombre Es Lobo Solitario

Recently I read the book ‘Long Walk To Freedom’ by Nelson Mandela. It was one of the most powerful books I have read. In it Mr. Mandela said ‘A freedom fighter should always remember his roots’. I have recently had chance to reflect and remember my roots when my father sent me a newspaper cut out of local news from the late 70’s. It was about a shack that I lived in as a young child with my family. I was told we lived in a trailer before this place but I do not remember that. I do have many fond and bitter memories of what my father deemed ‘The Cottage’. I remember climbing the wood pile and breaking my nose when the logs broke and rolled. I remember that this cottage marked the beginning of the state woods that I used to play in and explore. I remember that I used to eat wild berries and rhubarb. I remember swimming in the lake directly behind our shack. I also remember the racism and classism of the area as well. Continue reading

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The Balance of Terror

Abdul Haqq - Walter BondWALTER EDMUND BOND (37096013)
1/12/2015 10:20:38 AM
The Balance of Terror

Ever since I arrived in this counter-terrorism prison unit know as the CMU ( January of 2012) I have heard a couple of things that I don’t feel are accurately portrayed to the outside world.

When these units were originally opened they housed an overwhelming amount of Arab Muslims (and still do). to balance out the equation and not appear racist or biased it is believed that many non-Muslim, non-Arab people were brought to the CMU’s specifically to “balance” and give diversity to these prison units. However true this may have been several years ago. This is not the reality of the CMU’s today.

The reality is that Animal Rights activists (and others deemed to have threatening or subversive beliefs) such as myself that have been branded terrorists by the federal governments “Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act” (AETA for short) are actually viewed as “domestic terrorists”, “violent extremists” and “fanatical activists” by the system. It’s not a joke, a ruse, or a tactic to demonize the movement. It is actually how the US government views groups such as the Animal Liberation Front. We are not kept on these units merely to fill a quota in a government office. I cringe every time I see mention of the CMU’s in the media and then hear of the “balancers” that are also placed here. even though some of these ‘balancers’ have been here over 7 years now!

The truth is that when it comes to the AETA and the CMU if you are convicted of it, or housed in it (whichever the case may be) you are deemed, considered and treated as a domestic terrorist threat. Not as a paper dragon or an extremist in the governments new anti-terrorist affirmative action program. I live here and could very possibly spend my entire prison sentence, a decade straight, in this prison within a prison. Where I have my every breath and movement monitored and analyzed scrupulously. I don’t say this to frighten or sound severe, but I don’t want those in the forefront of speaking out against these secret prison units or against the AETA to make light of it as if it’s all a government charade. Nor should they think that accounts of what it was like in the CMU years ago explain accurately what it it like today.

And the fact is I am not a terrorist. I think that people, anyone, that murders, maims or kills innocent bystanders to make a point, protest, or create fear and panic in the populace is wrong. I think terrorism is sick and evil and I have never, would never, and will never, agree with it. No matter what the U.S. government labels me as, or any other freedom fighters for social justice!

We live in a world that is currently teeming with human indignity, or rather the indignity of humans. I don’ have all the answers. Honestly, on most days I don’t have any answers. But I know as time progresses and world events unfold that there are a lot of problems I don’t want to be a part of. War, corporate greed, imperialism, racism, police brutality, religious intolerance, Animal abuse, Earth’s exploitation and devastation are all problems that holding signs and signing petitions are not going to change. But brutality, violence, intolerance and the specter of terrorism are not only the wrong way to address the ills of the world but are, in fact, simply new forms of the same sickness of the soul that has plagued mankind since the beginning.

Abdul Haqq

Walter Bond (Abdul Haqq) is in prison until the year 2021 and cannot use Facebook or the internet. The website supportwalter.org and the Walter Bond Facebook page were set up to support him.

Walter Bond is in need of donations to enable him to buy vegan items from the prison commissary. For more info on sending funds to him in prison, please visit this page on the support site: https://supportwalter.org/SW/index.php/donate/

Here is his mailing address (he can only reply to letters that include a full name and address):

Walter Bond
USP Marion CMU
PO Box 1000
Marion IL 62959

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Merry XVX!!!

12/10/2014 8:18:16 AM
Merry XVX!!!

Happy Holidays everybody! Sorry if I haven’t been very responsive as of late. I have just been consumed with my language studies (Spanish/Arabic) and my exercise routine. As a prisoner in a counter-terrorism prison unit; with a few years of time under my belt now. I am becoming a bit reclusive as a matter of mental well being. While I yearn for my return to society that date is still years away and constantly having my mind on the outside while my body is incarcerated is frustrating and slightly schizophrenic.

My heart goes out to all the freedom fighters for the Earth and Animals as well as the struggles for human rights and the fight against racism. In these caustic times we must struggle to keep ourselves optimal and our intentions pure. Too much of what passes as revolution, activism and “the movement” is just empty slogans, activist reenactments of the 1960’s, and the picket era.

Political jargon, be it socialist, anarchist or right-wing all seek to frame very real and drastic problems, problems of life and death as ‘issues’ that cowards, armchair generals and fakes use as a platform for their ridiculous and often irrelevant beliefs and pretentious rhetoric.

While the world burns and swelters with the heat of racism, police brutality, Animal use and abuse, environmental degradation, disease, famine, pestilence, war, filth, perversion and neurosis. We chant, we hold sings, we take to the internet and voice our opinions, in a sea of opinions. we play on our fiddles while the Earth dies. Technology amplifies the decay and wickedness, magnifying it, prolonging it, exploiting it, thousands of times beyond the pale of reason!

Most of this year I have taken off writing my usual articles and essays. Mainly, I stopped for two reasons: First, I live in a CMU prison unit, (If you don’t know what that is, find out!). And as such, I am under constant censorship. I would rather not say anything than be censored in part. And secondly, I feel that my writings have become more fodder for philosophers and do-nothings to debate about or raise an eyebrow too.

I have always been outspoken WHEN it effects a change. I have also been an anonymous freedom fighter behind the mask which was much more effective and gratifying than being an interesting read for college kids or an imprisoned martyr for Animals.

Still, given the vantage point of a prison cell, time to think, time to read, and time to grow. I look back at my own feeble attempts at resistance and see them for what they were, a stepping stone. Animals, the Earth and Humans will never be free until we are rid of technologically advanced civilization. What is vivisection, factory farming, genetic engineering, surveillance society, or any institution of oppression besides a technological institution of innovation? The Animals won’t be free of the laboratory as long as there are laboratories. The Earth will not be free from industry until there are no industries. Behind every single facet of worldwide destruction you will find technology, and only technology has exacerbated and accelerated our own greed to the point in which it is threatening all life.

It’s not about diets, or politics (left or right). It’s not about morality, or the lack thereof. people have always done what people do, and we will continue with our machinations until the end. It’s about balance. It’s about autonomy and the type of freedom that truly matters. Not the freedom to be politically correct or the freedom of hedonism. But the freedom to live, love, struggle and die along with every creature on the planet.

!Liberacion Animal, Cueste Lo Que Cueste!

Abdul Haqq September 2014
Abdul Haqq

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